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I taught my first class yesterday! I think it went well although the person I taught is one of the most relaxed, agreeable people I know so it is hard for me to tell if the class was any good. I feel positive about it though. My student was (in my opinion) very able to move comfortably in most positions despite being a beginner yoga practitioner. The perfect first person to teach!!

I wanted to do a 45 minute class so I asked my husband to take the baby away for an hour. When I was teaching I totally misjusdged time though and ended up teaching for an hour. I rushed the end a little bit which is too bad because that is supposed to be the time of relaxation. I suppose the rhythm will come in time and I will be better able to judge these things.

I had sheets with lists of what I wanted to do and some comments about each postures but I didn’t end up using them much. Looking at the sheets really took my attention away from the class. I think I will just have to spend time before each class memorizing what I want to do and say. Of course I ended up changing what I was going to teach anyway. Next week I teach of class of two.. we will see how that goes and how different it feels to have more than one person to focus on. One thing I have noticed when I am teaching yoga is how hard it is to do the posture without getting totally lost in my own practice. I need to look up and out more.  I need to pay more attention to how my students are doing. It is really different from when I am just doing a practice for myself. I feel happy though. Despite my nervousness I did really feel like I enjoyed teaching.